Sunday, March 15, 2009

model tulips

all day i've been enjoying these beautiful tulips, a gift from the lovely andrea who spent saturday afternoon with genevieve, jessica and myself at bike works shooting see magazine's spring fashion special. it was fun, albeit terrifying, and i feel a full carrie bradshaw "i hope they know i know i'm not a model" type disclosure is in order. for the day, however, we all got to be models, and we had an excellent time doing it. it's nice being dolled up and fawned over and generally letting everyone else do everything for you (god forbid one lose a falsie). i could use a little more of that in my life.

as for the shoot itself, well, jessica and genevieve are kindof naturals, moi....not so much. let's just say i'm best left designing the clothes. nevertheless i'll try and post a few photos as soon as i get my hands on some. the issue should be out march 26 so make sure to check it out (dara and anna from loyal loot will be featured too!)

thanks again to andrea, you're sweet and our favorite. xo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The feeling is mutual! Back pats all round! As soon as I see some photos you will too. Thanks again pretty ladies.. xoxo